Getting there Part 1 (Ulm, Zurich and between)

Ulm, Fischerviertel-Blau

We chose Ulm, Germany, as the place for our first night on the road. As we set out for a stroll, it was clear it was a great pick. It has a beautiful little historic centre with cosy streets and the tallest cathedral tower in Europe (161,5 m). Unfortunately, the tower was closed due to renovation, but the sight left us in awe nevertheless. We went for dinner to a local German pub and were struck by the delicious Swabian cuisine, definitely something to try. Oh, and there are aso the nicest shoe shops I have ever seen 😉

The next day we stopped by privately owned Hohenzollern castle, with looks like from a fairy tale and visible on the top of the hill from afar. It’s a pitty it was not possible yet to see the interior with some unique pieces of art and the crown of Prussia Kings, we could at least see the exteriors, the magnificient view, the two chapels and also to have lunch in the castle’s restaurant.

Our next stop was the Rhein waterfall on the Germany-Switzerland border. Surprisingly, it gets 3 times more water in summer than in winter, but it was a sight nonetheless.

Zurich was the place for our second night. Taking into account Swiss prices, we ate dinner in the room but went for a cocktail to the Mata Hari bar next door once Kubík was asleep. They had some pretty original Tiki style cocktails. The next day we went to explore the city. Even though we paid for parking in the blue zone, it was almost impossible to find a space. Blue spaces are pretty scarce and also very small. Once we managed, we took a walk by the lake, overlooking the snowed mountains in the distance from the Quaibrücke. Then we visited the Fraumünster church, with a crypt from the 9th century and stained glass windows from Chagall.

Mati Hari bar
Zurich, Alpes in the background
Fraumünster, Zurich
Chagall windows, Fraumünster



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